An Expert in Water Technology? Try Your Luck in the Netherlands

published May 10, 2016
1 min read












Within the business sphere, the Netherlands is known for their keen knowledge on water and the technology that comes along with it. World leaders and top global companies rely on this small European country for information and assistance on water technology, especially when it comes to innovation.

The knowledge is there, but the amount of appropriately educated people is dwindling. That is why they need you!

Landing the Job Right After Earning Your Degree

In this day and age, one of the struggles for recent graduates is finding a job. This is especially true in popular sectors such as finance and law. The popularity of certain fields of study results in a large stream of graduates.

Coupled with the tail-end of the latest recession, the amount of job openings does not match the amount of people that recently earned degrees. That being said, those that earned degrees in less popular sectors, like engineering, have had a bit more luck.

Nowadays landing that dream job or a high paying job might mean you have to relocate. In the end, it is a matter of supply and demand. Currently the Netherlands has a high demand for graduates with a technical background and an affinity for water. Between now and 2020, the Dutch water sector will have around 40,000 vacancies that need filling.


40,000 Job Openings

The job openings in the water sector are mostly caused by the ageing workforce and the outflux of employees. Filling these spots tends to be quite difficult for the water sector since working in water technology or in the business of water are not popular choices.

To combat this lack of interest in the Netherlands, they are trying to improve the image of water technology by stressing innovation and its importance through education. In addition, the water sector has started to invest more in their current employees.

Another way to fill the job openings is by searching for international talent and experts. You might be wondering why anyone would want to work in the water sector if it is that unpopular. Some perks are an increased chance of landing a job right after you graduate and getting to spend a period of your life abroad while gaining experience in an international setting.

The Dutch water sector has partners all over the world, so why not try your luck in the Netherlands and become an expert in the water sector.